Budget Question and Answer Archive


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Based on testimony about dead zones at Galway Elementary School, Ms. Harris asked to receive an update on the survey work on dead zones. 13
In order to grasp the funding, Ms. Rivera-Oven would like to get information on the number of students being served by the wellness positions. 31
Mr. Kim would like MCPS to continue to improve communications to make every student aware and able to have access to mental health services. 10
Ms. Brenda Wolff suggested that Montgomery County Public Schools host a visit of Longview School for Montgomery County Council Members to see how much staff is needed to staff one of these schools. 2
Ms. Evans asked staff to look into access to instruments and any inequity in access to instrumental music. This issue was brought to the Board prior to the pandemic and there were plans to try and address. 22
Ms. Grace Rivera-Oven asked for staff to provide a map of the geographical concentration of the county that does not have access broadband. 1
Ms. Harris asked if staff could look into the statement that there are Sligo Middle School students who have to cross Georgia Avenue in order to catch the bus. 26
Ms. Harris asked if the Board can be provided with the job description for the new Wellness trainer positions, including any required professional licenses and/or certifications. 27
Ms. Harris asked if the schools have been identified for the expansion of the CollegeTracks program. 30
Ms. Harris asked if there is a way to weave some of the structured literacy into our high school courses. 14
Ms. Harris suggested staff reach out to Ms. Bansal to explore her ideas for welcoming new students. a. Ms. Rivera-Oven asked if any schools currently have packets of information they provide to new students, especially those with limited English, and if so, is that information able to be duplicated around the county. 6
Ms. Harris would like the 31.8 school psychologist vacancies broken down by 12-month and 10-month positions. 15
Ms. Harris would like to see the school psychologists in comparison to the surrounding school districts. 16
Ms. Rivera-Oven asked how the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future will affect staffing for the increased pre-kindergarten spots and the Head Start program, and what plan is in place. 8
Ms. Rivera-Oven requested clarification on the equity innovation fund. Would that fund have been used by staff in their classrooms? 23
Ms. Rivera-Oven would like to know the number of ESOL teachers that MCPS is assigning to Clarksburg Elementary School #9 next year. 20
Ms. Rivera-Oven would like to know the yearly caseload of the court liaison. 34
Ms. Silvestre asked that Ms. Landis share what she means by a comprehensive transportation study. 9
Ms. Silvestre asked, what are we doing to improve math and literacy and what are we doing differently? 37
Ms. Silvestre would like to know if the increase of 895 special education students is a pretty steady number. 35
Ms. Silvestre would like to know if you have a second grade or third grade class that is struggling, and whether they are provided extra support and where is that reflected in the budget. 36
Ms. Wolff requested communication to schools reminding them about timely responses to family and community emails. 11
Ms. Wolff would like to get an exact number of additional community schools being added in FY 2024. 28
Ms. Wolff would like to know which schools the 26 learning and achievement specialists will be deployed to. 29
Ms. Yang asked if staff can provide information for families who move into a Two-Way Immersion school zone after kindergarten. 17
Ms. Yang asked what procedures are in place for updating outdated textbooks for students. a. Ms. Rivera-Oven asked if there was a guidance policy on outdated material. b. Ms. Smondrowski inquired if Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) currently has any online textbooks. c. Ms. Harris asked to look into the possibility of converting some textbook use or inventory to online versions. 4
Ms. Yang asked what the incentive was for school bus drivers and when it is scheduled to be paid. a. Mrs. Smondrowski would like staff to report out on the outcome of the incentives. 5
Ms. Yang has already asked about receiving a utilization matrix of the tutoring programs, she would also like to have clarification on the referral criteria for a student to get into a tutoring program. 18
Ms. Yang would like to know how the Grow Your Own program is reflected in the budget. 12
Ms. Yang would like to see who is accessing the tutoring programs, and the utilization data. 33
When reporting on some of these program evaluations, such as tutoring data, Ms. Julie Yang would like for staff to provide a utilization matrix on how many students use the program; how many times a student uses it; and the geographical location or school, to potentially find success stories that can be implemented at other schools. 3