Please provide information on whether an evaluation was done to measure the effectiveness and benefits to middle school students who were part of the special education program in which an hours-based staffing model was used.

Question#: 36


Although a formal evaluation through the Office of Shared Accountability has not been completed, internal data was periodically collected and analyzed by the Office of Special Education and Student Services and the Department of Special Education Services. Upon implementation of the original pilot, data including a principal survey, student proficiency and Annual Yearly Progress status on Maryland State Assessment in the areas of reading and mathematics, Least Restrictive Environment status, and marking period averages were reviewed. The principal survey revealed that the ability to offer co-taught and supported classes increased when an hours-based staffing model was implemented.

A recommendation of the recent special education audit includes reviewing various services models and staffing allocations aligned with student outcomes. The project team responsible for accountability outcomes has begun the work of collaborating with the Office of Shared Accountability to develop a logic model to conduct this analysis of the impact of staffing models on student outcomes.