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Operating Budget → Question and Answer Archive
What would it cost to expand and support the Minority Scholars Program (MSP) to include all 25 high schools per the recommendation of the African American Student Achievement Action Group?
Please provide the cost to extend the school day and the school year for all Title I schools. What would be the cost of year-round schooling for an individual Title I school if the school system was to pilot this initiative?
What would be the cost of restoring the cuts to class size that were made in the FY 2016 budget? At the elementary level? At the secondary level? At the schools with the highest FARMS rates, broken down by elementary and secondary?
Please break down the budget for the Career Lattice program. How many employees were in the program last year and how many this year? How many do we project next school year? How are we evaluating the effectiveness of this program? What data demonstrates that this program is having an impact on closing the achievement gap in our high-needs schools?
What would be the cost of restoring the Phoenix Program or a similar comprehensive drug recovery program?
What would be the cost of creating a second Indoor Air Quality unit?
What is the total budget for Study Circles? How are we evaluating the effectiveness of this program? Is there any data that demonstrates this program is having an impact on closing the achievement gap?
What is the cost of the elementary IB program at College Gardens Elementary School? What is the data that demonstrates that this program is having an impact on student achievement?
Please justify the proposed expenditure of $85,920 for an external review of the Kemp Mill Dual Language program and why it cannot be conducted by the Office of Shared Accountability? What would be the cost of replicating the program at additional schools?
How many elementary schools have no assistant principal? What would be the cost of adding one to each school?
How many high schools have a media assistant allocation of less than .875 FTE? What would be the cost of increasing these allocations to .875 FTE?
What is the cost of one elementary instrumental music teacher?
The organization of Liberty’s Promise is asking that $142,000 be added to the MCPS budget. This amount would be used by Liberty’s Promise to support ESOL students with orientation and counseling at six high schools. What resources are currently available to schools to support newly arrived students? How will the reorganization of our ESOL program and additional resources better support ESOL students at the high school level?
What is the cost to restore class size to the level in FY 2009? Provide the cost of restoring class size by elementary, middle, and high school.
Testimony indicated that Roberto Clemente Middle School is over capacity and Martin Luther King Middle School is under capacity. Could boundary changes ease the overcrowding at Roberto Clemente Middle School? If not, why not?
Based on the job responsibilities of counselors, what is a reasonable formula for counselor allocations in elementary schools? How does this compare to elementary school averages in the state and nation? What is the cost of implementing this guideline?
What would be involved for central office to offer support to schools who are short-staffed during enrollment and registration?
What are Neighborhood Equity Teams? Is there anyone in central office that can explain the role of the teams and the cost of developing the teams?
Please provide a proposed cost and role of the Equity Office as proposed by several groups and individuals.
What is the savings if staff development teacher positions are reduced by half? In full? Please provide the data by level.
Please delineate supports for Latino students, both ESOL and non-ESOL.
What are the current library hours in our schools and what is the cost to expand hours, specifically for higher FARMS middle and high schools? With the new Library Link initiative, is there transportation provided to libraries from schools if we do not choose to expand hours in school-based libraries? If not, what would the cost be to provide this transportation, perhaps in partnership with the county? (I understand that some schools may have routes that go to neighborhoods near libraries; however, if students do not live in the vicinity, they are not allowed to ride these buses.)
What is the current cost of toilet paper in our schools and what is the cost to enhance quality?
Do principals have the flexibility to use the classroom teacher allocation (which include the reading teacher allocation) for other areas or are they earmarked specifically for reading only?
What were actual expenditures in contractual services for FY 2015 in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer and the Office of the Chief Technology Officer?
For the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, what is the difference between FY 2015 actual amount of $6.4 million in contractual services (Category 2) and the FY 2017 request amount of $6.7 million?
Regarding the Dual Language program, please provide background research that has been generated and the populations impacted where similar programs have been successful.
Please price out the cost to roll out professional development to support literacy and mathematics for all elementary schools that would have the greatest impact on students.
What would be the benefits of expanding the immersion program to high schools?
Please provide the cost breakout for the $15,000 for contractual services for the College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act strategic enhancement found on pages 1–21 of the budget.
Regarding the recommendations in the FY 2017 Special Education Staffing Plan, what would be the cost of implementing the four recommendations found on page D-26 of the Superintendent’s Recommended FY 2017 Operating Budget?
Please provide information on whether an evaluation was done to measure the effectiveness and benefits to middle school students who were part of the special education program in which an hours-based staffing model was used.
What is the cost per square footage for school cleaning, maintenance, and staff compared to other districts?
What is the cost to expand student transportation and opportunities for the Student Internship Program?
What is the cost of a three tier bell time system?
What is the response time for school maintenance requests? Provide the data by low and high priority?
How many schools and students are served by the Title I ELO SAIL program?
What is the cost to provide copiers to elementary schools based on a student ratio of 600:1?
What is the cost to provide academic intervention teachers to more schools?
Please provide a list of all partnership services between the Department of Health and Human Services and Montgomery County Public Schools.
What is the cost to add a psychiatrist position to support Alternative Programs?
What is the cost to expand the Walter Johnson Suicide Prevention program to other MCPS schools?
In order to better determine the success of our translation services and how that impacts our students, can a metric be developed to measure our success? This may be a discussion for Strategic Planning.
What can be done to reestablish the fire cadet program?
Please provide information on the MCPS instrumental music program as compared to local districts with respect to the following: