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Fiscal Year 2017 → Question 1
Academic intervention teachers are allocated to schools with Free and Reduced-price Meal Systems (FARMS) rates above 20 percent. The formula used to allocate academic intervention teachers is based on both the FARMS rate and enrollment so that schools with more students impacted are allocated more staffing. Currently, there are 47.7 positions budgeted in elementary schools, 25.6 positions budgeted in middle schools, and 23.8 positions budgeted in high schools for a total of 97.1 FTEs. In addition to academic intervention teachers, there are focus teachers allocated to lower class sizes and provide small group instruction. The Superintendent’s Recommended FY 2017 Operating Budget includes 57.1 locally-funded focus teachers (plus 101 Title 1 focus teachers) in elementary schools, 30 FTEs in middle schools, and 40 FTEs in high schools. One additional academic intervention teacher would cost $52,795 plus $15,321 in benefits for a total of $68,116. The cost would vary depending on the total number of positions added. For example, if we were to increase allocations to our schools by approximately 10 percent or 9.7 positions, the additional cost would be $660,726.