Things to Know

MCPS Things to Know

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Make Your Voice Heard!

Montgomery County Council Vice President Will Jawando is hosting a series of upcoming forums on the Fiscal Year 2026 Operating Budget. Jawando, who also serves as chair of the council’s Education and Culture Committee, will be joined by MCPS Superintendent Dr. Thomas Taylor and Montgomery College President Dr. Jermaine Williams.

The events will be held:


Spanish and American Sign Language interpretation will be available.

Literacy, Math Teams Hosting Curriculum Nights

The final Elementary and Secondary Literacy Curriculum Night is being held tonight, Thursday, March 6, to introduce families to the new elementary literacy curriculum, Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts. This session will be held virtually via Zoom, from 6:30–8:10 p.m. RSVP.

The Elementary and Secondary Mathematics teams are also hosting Curriculum Nights, which will include information on math curricular resources, course programming for Grades K–12 and upcoming changes from the Maryland State Department of Education regarding Integrated Math. Attendees will also participate in learning experiences from the Eureka Math and Illustrative Math curricula.

Two in-person sessions remain and will be held:

Recordings will be available on the mathematics website on Monday, April 7, in English and Spanish.

Math Curriculum Nights, 2025

Save the Date: Special Education Fair Set for May 10

The Special Education Family Resource Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 10, at Seneca Valley High School, 19401 Crystal Rock Drive in Germantown. The free event will host more than 40 community organizations that offer supports, resources and services for families who have students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP), as well as fun children’s activities, including moon bounces, a DJ and face painting. Stay tuned for more information.

RespectFest Is Coming March 30–April 6

Secondary students and parents: Save March 30–April 6 on your calendars to learn about healthy relationships, dating violence prevention and consent, and community resources. RespectFest will offer virtual workshops from March 30–April 5 and an in-person festival from 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, April 6 at the Wheaton Community Recreation Center. Learn more. Subscribe for updates.

Get a Little Drama in Your Life!

Get your tickets now for spring theater and dance productions at middle and high schools. These great performances started this month and run into May.

From “Mean Girls” and “Shrek the Musical” to “Antigone” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” there’s something for everyone.

2024–2025 Spring Productions

Student Opportunities

Women’s History Month Webinar: MCPS and Montgomery Parks are offering a Student Service Learning (SSL) opportunity via Zoom. The webinar, set for 5-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, will share how women shaped life in Montgomery County. Students can earn two SSL hours. Spanish interpretation is available. Registration link

Sustainability Poster Contest: This annual contest increases awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability, energy conservation, waste reduction and responsible recycling. All MCPS students and staff are invited to participate, and to vote online to determine the winners. The deadline is Friday, April 4. 2025 Sustainability Poster Contest Entry Form and Contest Guideline

NAACP Scholarships: The Montgomery County branch of the NAACP is awarding $1,000 scholarships to MCPS graduating seniors. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, March 21. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or above, participate in extracurricular activities, participate in faith-based, religious-based or volunteer activities, and submit a 300-word essay addressing the theme, “The Fight for Justice Continues!” Send applications to Rebecca Gibson, Board of Education office, 15 W. Gude Drive, Suite 100, Rockville, MD, 20850.

LEAAP Scholarships: The League of Educators for Asian American Progress (LEAAP) of MCPS is offering $3,000 scholarships to graduating MCPS Asian and Pacific American high school seniors and plan to major in the field of education. The deadline is Tuesday, April 1. More information

Final Call for Summer RISE Hosts: Registration closes on Friday, March 7 for businesses, government agencies, higher education institutions and nonprofit organizations who wish host students for Summer RISE 2025. This five-week program provides hands-on, career-based learning experiences to rising juniors and seniors and helps employers cultivate a talent pipeline. Sign up today! For questions, email Davida Gurstelle or call 240-740-5599.

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MoComCon Set for March 22-23

Montgomery County Public Libraries will host its annual free comic convention, MoComCon, at the Germantown Library and at the BlackRock Center for the Arts.

This year, MoComCon expands to two days, kicking off on Saturday, March 22, at the BlackRock Center for the Arts, at 12901 Town Commons Drive in Germantown. From 1-5 p.m., the day will feature various activities for teens (13 and older) and adults. Attendees can look forward to a lineup of panels, workshops and contests, including a cosplay contest.

On Sunday, March 23, MoComCon will move to the Germantown Library at 19840 Century Blvd. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the library will be transformed into a vibrant space for families with children of all ages. The day will include a costume parade and interactive displays and activities.

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Montgomery County Public Schools