Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Administrators' and Specialists' Experiences with Supporting Implementation of the Monitoring Instructional Reading Levels Strategy 2015-2016


The purpose of the surveys was to get input from administrators and specialists on their experiences with supporting the implementation of the MIRL strategy at their schools in 2015–2016 and to identify areas needing improvement.


  • Increase consistency in the understanding of the MIRL strategy by teachers and school leaders; clarify its rationale, and its relationship to formative assessment and the Early Literacy plan.
  •  Continue to dispel the widespread perception that MIRL is an event by explaining the strong connection of MIRL and MCPS's Priorities for 2016-2017: Focus on Learning, Results, and Accountability.
  • Increase implementation of the MIRL practices that were implemented at low levels.
  • Share best practices related to MIRL within and across schools
  •  Intensify PD support to classroom teachers in the areas of students' greatest instructional needs in reading: writing in response to reading, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, accuracy, and learning English
  • Update and increase the supply of instructional resources for guided reading instruction
  • Increase clarity and understanding of the similarities, differences, as well as the functions of the various formative and local reading assessments data

File Name: brief Administrator_Specialist Survey MIRL Jan 11.pdf (560.6KB PDF)