Office of Shared Accountability Reports

An Observational Study of Implementation of Selected Practices of the Monitoring Instructional Reading Levels Strategy in 2015––2016


This evaluation was designed to provide insights on the extent to which MIRL was implemented as intended. Evaluation questions addressed 1) the status of implementation of guided reading instruction, 2) discussion of data and instruction in collaborative team planning meetings, and 3) the extent of use of an online reading data collection tool by Grades 1–5 teachers. Data were gathered from observations of 52 classrooms and 57 grade-level collaborative team meetings from a stratified random sample of 30 MCPS elementary schools and from institutional databases documenting the use of the online data collection tool by all 133 elementary schools.


  • Adopt a grade-level specific approach and target professional development to aspects of guided reading instruction that were implemented with the lowest fidelity.
  • Continue to use a variety of measures to monitor students’ growth at regular intervals, proficiency, and areas of instructional need.
  • Implement a standardized system to describe how the planning, coordination, and monitoring of reading instruction for students receiving special services is implemented within a grade level and across schools.

File Name: Final 1704 MIRLreport3_4_05.9.17.pdf (789.4KB PDF)