AFA-RA, Research and Other Data Collection Activities in Montgomery County Public Schools

About this Regulation

Regulation: AFA-RA

Last revised: March 05, 2021


To assign responsibilities and establish processes for reviewing and coordinating research and other data collection activities in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) in order to:

A. Safeguard the privacy of current and former students, their parents/guardians, current or former employees, and other participants in MCPS-sponsored activities

B. Limit interruptions in the instructional program

C. Ensure the technical competency, the feasibility, and the appropriateness of research and other data collection activities in the public school setting


MCPS encourages education research and data collection that informs instructional and administrative decision-making. However, MCPS is cognizant of the demands placed on students and employees to participate in these and other data collection activities mandated by state and federal agencies.

MCPS holds its internal research, evaluation, and assessment activities conducted through the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Schools – Shared Accountability (OTLS–SA) to high standards of methodological rigor. Similarly, MCPS holds external individuals or organizations seeking to collect data in schools or offices to high methodological standards of research. In specific circumstances, MCPS permits entities specified in section IV.C below to utilize abbreviated application procedures for more informal data collection that is consistent with the discharge of their responsibilities and job functions to inform instructional or administrative decision-making.

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