JFA, Student Rights and Responsibilities

About this Policy

Policy: JFA

Last revised: June 30, 2014


To provide a learning community designed to foster intellectual development, citizenship, responsibility, and mutual respect among students as they engage in the education process.  As members of this community, all students have certain rights, responsibilities, and privileges.  There are expectations for conduct that are intended to foster the desired environment and educational goals of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and its students.

Adobe PDF JFA, Student Rights and Responsibilities 27 K
Adobe PDF JFA, Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Estudiantes442 K
Adobe PDF JFA, Droits et responsabilités de l'élève439 K
Adobe PDF JFA, Quyền Lợi và Trách Nhiệm của Học Sinh546 K
Adobe PDF JFA, 學生的權利和責任658 K
Adobe PDF JFA, 학생의 권리와 의무(Student Rights and Responsibilities)575 K
Adobe PDF JFA, የተማሪ መብቶችና ሃላፊነቶች269 K