JPD, Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis

About this Policy

Policy: JPD

Last revised: October 22, 2012


The Board of Education (Board) is committed to a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn. Preparation for medical emergencies that children may encounter during the school day is an important part of that environment.

Adobe PDF JPD, Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis 34 K
Adobe PDF JPD, Atención Médica de Emergencia para Estudiantes Que Experimentan Anafilaxia224 K
Adobe PDF JPD, Soins d'urgence pour les élèves souffrant d'anaphylaxie221 K
Adobe PDF JPD, Chăm sóc Khẩn cấp cho Học sinh bị Anaphylaxis (Sốc phản vệ)397 K
Adobe PDF JPD, 對出現嚴重過敏學生的緊急護理388 K
Adobe PDF JPD, 아나필락시스(Anaphylaxis)를 겪는 학생들을 위한 응급 처치 Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis445 K
Adobe PDF JPD, አናፊላክሲስ (Anaphylaxis) ለአጋጠማቸው ተማሪዎች የአደጋ ጊዜ እንክብካቤ195 K
Adobe PDF JPD, Atendimento de Emergência para Alunos com Anafilaxia225 K