JPH, School Food and Nutrition Services Programs

About this Policy

Policy: JPH

Last revised: May 10, 2022


To set forth guidance regarding the ways in which Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is a partner in efforts to address childhood hunger in Montgomery County, in order to support students’ ability to learn, grow, and maintain health

To establish principles and strategies to guide efforts to encourage and assist all qualified students to apply for federally funded Free and Reduced-price Meals (FARMs), while eliminating any stigma attached to, or preventing public identification of, students who qualify for FARMs

To establish expectations for providing school meals in a cost-effective and efficient manner that includes minimizing the accumulation of unpaid meal charges on students’ school cafeteria accounts, and respectfully yet effectively collecting unpaid school cafeteria charges from the parent/guardians of students  

Adobe PDF JPH, School Food and Nutrition Services Programs 206 K
Adobe PDF JPH, Programas de Servicios de Alimentación y Nutrición Escolares233 K
Adobe PDF JPH, Programmes Scolaires de Services d’Alimentation et de Nutrition210 K
Adobe PDF JPH, Chương trình Dịch vụ Thực phẩm và Dinh dưỡng Trường Học339 K
Adobe PDF JPH, 校餐和營養服務計畫364 K
Adobe PDF JPH, 학교 음식과 영양 서비스 프로그램 School Food and Nutrition Services Programs289 K
Adobe PDF JPH, የትምህርት ቤት የምግብ እና የተመጣጠነ አልሚ ምግብ አገልግሎት ፕሮግራም159 K
Adobe PDF JPH, Programas de Serviços de Alimentação e Nutrição Escolar209 K