Section: G Personnel

GAHuman Resource Core Governance Policy
GAAPositive Work Environment in a Self-renewing Organization

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GBGeneral Personnel Policies
GBA-RAEqual Employment Opportunity
GBB-RAEmployee Assistance Program
GBE-RAEmployee Recognition
GBF-RANotification and Assistance in Event of the Death of an Employee/Retiree

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GCA-RAEmployee Conflict of Interest
GCB-RAReporting and Handling Fraudulent Actions by MCPS Employees, Agents, or Contractors
GCC-RAStaff Self-Reporting of Arrests, Criminal Charges, and Convictions

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GDHealth and Safety
GDA-RAPhysical Examinations for Positions Requiring Commercial Driver’s License
GDA-RBMedical Examinations

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GERecruitment, Employment, and Certification
GEABoard Appointment of MCPS Leaders
GEA-RASelection and Appointment of Administrators, Supervisors, and Interns
GEB-RARecruitment, Employment, and Assignment of Certificated Teachers and Other Professional Personnel (Salary Schedule A Through D)
GECAppointment of Supporting Services Personnel
GEC-RARecruitment, Selection, and Placement of Supporting Services Employees
GEE-RAClassification of Certificates
GEF-RASubstitute Teachers
GEG-RAAffirmative Action

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GFAssignment, Transfers, and Reduction in Staff
GFA-RAEstablishment and Abolishment of Positions
GFB-RATemporary Reassignment of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel to the Classroom or Other Positions
GFB-RBTransfer or Reassignment of Teachers (Salary Schedule A through D)
GFCReassignment of Employees Within Two Years of Normal Retirement Eligibility
GFC-RAReassignment of Employees Within Two Years of Normal Retirement Eligibility

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GGWork Hours and Work Load
GGA-RAWorking Hours and Work Load

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GHClassification of Positions and Salaries
GHA-RAMaintenance of the Position Classification Plan
GHCSalaries and Other Benefits of Administrators and Supervisors, Business and Operations Administrators, and Teacher-Level Employees
GHD-RAWages and Salaries for Supporting Services Employees

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GILeaves and Retirements
GID-EAAttendance and Absence of Teachers—Unused Sick Leave (State Regulation)
GID-RATransfer of Sick Leave Within the Maryland Public School System
GIGFunding Retirement/Pension System
GIHFunding Other Postemployment Benefits

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GJEvaluation, Tenure, Suspension and Dismissal
GJA-RAProfessional Growth Systems (PGSs) for MCPS Employees
GJA-RBPermanent Status of Supporting Services Employees
GJB-EAContracts (State Regulation)
GJB-RBTenure of Teachers
GJB-RCNonrenewal of Contract for Teacher-level Personnel
GJC-RASuspension and Termination of Professional Personnel
GJD-EAImmunity for Participating in Disciplinary, Administrative, and Other Proceedings (State Law)
GJD-RAPromotion, Demotion, Resignation, and Retirement of Supporting Services Employees
GJD-RBDiscipline or Discharge of Supporting Services Employees

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GKComplaints and Grievances
GKA-RAAdministrative Complaint

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GMStaff Development
GMD-RAContinuing Professional Development Courses for Teachers
GME-EAStudent Teachers and Student Interns (State Law)
GME-RAStudent Teacher/Intern Program: Selection of Supervising Teachers and Assignment of College Students
GMG-RATuition Reimbursement

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