ACF, Sexual Misconduct and Sex-Based Harassment of Students

About this Policy

Policy: ACF

Last revised: October 10, 2024


To prohibit sexual misconduct and sex-based harassment on Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) property. 

To mandate the development of educational programs designed to help MCPS employees and students recognize, understand, and report sexual misconduct and sex-based harassment.

To establish a framework of effective procedures for addressing complaints of sexual misconduct and sex-based harassment.

Adobe PDF ACF, Sexual Misconduct and Sex-Based Harassment of Students 250 K
Adobe PDF ACF, Conducta Sexual Inapropiada y Acoso de Estudiantes por Razón de Sexo253 K
Adobe PDF ACF, Comportements sexuels abusifs et harcèlement sexuel chez les élèves254 K
Adobe PDF ACF, Hành vi Quấy rối Tình dục và Quấy nhiễu Tình dục Học sinh391 K
Adobe PDF ACF, 學生的不良性行為和基於性和性別的騷擾493 K
Adobe PDF ACF, 학생의 성(性)적 위법및 성(性)에 기반한 괴롭힘 Sexual Misconduct and Sex-Based Harassment of Students416 K
Adobe PDF ACF, የተማሪዎች ጾታዊ በደል እና ጾታን መሰረት ያደረገ ትንኮሳ245 K
Adobe PDF ACF, Conduta Sexual Imprópria e Assédio Baseado em Sexo de Alunos248 K