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MCPS to Launch Open Data Portal in January
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will launch a new open data portal in January that will allow the public to search, sort, and download a variety of information about the district.
Superintendent Joshua P. Starr announced on Tuesday (December 9, 2014) that OpenDataMCPS will launch on January 5, 2015, and will include the Superintendent’s Recommended Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Operating Budget, as well as enrollment data and school boundary information. In the coming months, additional information will be added to the portal, including data points from the MCPS Schools at a Glance publication.
“MCPS already shares a tremendous amount of data and information with the public, but we don’t always make it available in the most user-friendly way,” Dr. Starr said. “This new portal will make it easier for the public to find the information they are looking for and provide tools so they can interact with it in a thoroughly 21st-century manner.”
The OpenDataMCPS portal will allow the public to generate their own, customizable reports and data displays and will allow for the easy exchange of information with Montgomery County’s OpenMontgomery portals. Additional information about the OpenDataMCPS portal will be released in January when it goes live.
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