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(September 22, 2021)
Dear Silver Creek Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Silver Creek Middle School on Monday, September 20, 2021 tes ...(more)
(September 21, 2021)
Dear Diamond Elementary Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in 1st grade who was last present at Diamond Elementary School on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 te ...(more)
Dear Clarksburg High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified Monday, September 20, 2021 that one individual who was last present at Clarksburg High School on Monday, Se ...(more)
Dear Thurgood Marshall Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified today that an individual in Fourth Grade who was last present at Thurgood Marshall ES on Tuesday, Septembe ...(more)
Dear Cabin John Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that two individuals who were last present at Cabin John Middle School on September 17, 2021 tested posit ...(more)
Dear Colleagues, It has recently come to my attention that a member of our staff that was last present at Seneca Valley High School on September 14, 2021, has received a positive test result for CO ...(more)
Dear Forest Oak Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Forest Oak on September 20, 2021 tested positive for the ...(more)
Dear Drew School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Drew on September 17, 2021 tested positive for the coronavirus ...(more)
Dear Rosemary Hills Elementary School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Rosemary Hills Elementary School on September 21, 2021 ...(more)
Dear Walter Johnson Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that two individuals who were last present at Walter Johnson on September 17, 2021 tested positive for the coronavi ...(more)
Dear Belmont Elementary School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Belmont on September 16, 2021 tested positive for the coronav ...(more)
Dear North Bethesda Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified yesterday that an individual tested positive for COVID-19 on 9/16/21. The student was last present on 9/13/21 ...(more)
Dear Redland Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Redland MS on September 20, 2021 tested positive for the coronavi ...(more)
Dear Thomas S. Wootton High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified today that an individual who was last present at Thomas S. Wootton High School on Friday, September ...(more)
Dear Wheaton Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified today that an individual who was last present at Wheaton on September 10, 2021 has tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID- ...(more)