Browse Public Announcements for All School Years

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Sherwood Elementary School

(August 25, 2021)

Dear Sherwood Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Sherwood Elementary School on August 23, 2021 tested positive for the coronavi ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Damascus High School

(August 23, 2021)

Dear Damascus High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Damascus High School on Saturday, August 21, tested positive for t ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Quince Orchard High School

(August 23, 2021)

Dear Quince Orchard students, staff and families, I am writing to share an update of recent Covid-19 cases at Quince Orchard High School. Over the weekend we were notified of six additional positiv ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Benjamin Banneker Middle School

(August 23, 2021)

Dear Benjamin Banneker MS Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Benjamin Banneker MS on August 23, 2021 tested positive for the co ...(more)

Board of Education to Hold Business Meeting August 24, 2021

(August 23, 2021)

The Board of Education will hold its business meeting (in-person) on Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Closed session will begin at 9 a.m. Public agenda items will begin at 12 p.m. The meeting will be broadca ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Seneca Valley High School

(August 23, 2021)

Dear Seneca Valley High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified on August 23, 2021 that an individual who was last present at Seneca Valley High School on August 18, 20 ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Cases at Quince Orchard High School

(August 20, 2021)

Dear Quince Orchard students, staff and families, I am writing to share an update of recent Covid-19 cases at Quince Orchard High School. As of 2 p.m. today, we were notified of four additiona ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Rockville High School

(August 20, 2021)

Dear Rockville High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified today that an individual who was last present at Rockville High School on August 17, 2021 tested positive fo ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Cases at Quince Orchard High School

(August 19, 2021)

Dear Quince Orchard students, staff and families, I’m writing to share an update of recent Covid-19 cases at Quince Orchard High School. Last evening and today we were notified of 6 more posi ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Jones Lane Elementary School

(August 19, 2021)

Dear Jones Lane ES Community,  This letter is to inform you that we were notified today an individual who was last present at Jones Lane ES on August 18 tested positive for the coronavirus (CO ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Olney Elementary School

(August 19, 2021)

Dear Olney Elementary School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified today that an individual who was last present at Olney Elementary School on August 12, 2021 has tested pos ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Quince Orchard High School

(August 18, 2021)

Dear Quince Orchard High School Community, This letter is an update to our correspondence on August 16, 2021 and August 17, 2021 regarding  recent notifications of positive COVID-19 cases at Q ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Briggs Chaney Middle School

(August 18, 2021)

Dear Briggs Chaney Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified today than an individual who was last present at Briggs Chaney Middle School on Monday, August 16, has ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Northwest High School

(August 18, 2021)

Dear Northwest Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified today an individual who was last present at Northwest High School on Friday, August 13, has tested positive for Coronavi ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Cases at Quince Orchard High School

(August 17, 2021)

Dear Quince Orchard High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified today that six individuals who were last present at Quince Orchard High School on August 16th tested po ...(more)