Browse Public Announcements for All School Years

Delegation of Officials from Greenville, South Carolina to View Innovative Educational Programs as Part of Inter-Community Visit

(April 21, 1999)

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be the day-long focus of a delegation of officials from Greenville, South Carolina, during their thirteenth annual Inter-Community Visit from May 1 through ...(more)

Wheaton High School Student and Mark Twain School Volunteer are Among Outstanding Volunteers of Montgomery County for 1999

(April 20, 1999)

Matthew Whorral, a student at Wheaton High School, and Marvin Zimmerman, a retired educator, are among thirteen volunteers honored this year as Outstanding Volunteers of Montgomery County. The annual ...(more)

Career and Technology Education Students Recognized at 14th Annual Awards Program and New Technology Scholarship Announced

(April 20, 1999)

Thirty-eight students will be recognized for outstanding achievement in Career and Technology Education during an awards ceremony on Thursday, April 22, at the National Institute of Standards and Tech ...(more)

Montgomery County to Host Second Town Meeting About Preparation for Y2K Issues

(April 20, 1999)

Montgomery County will host a special town meeting on Thursday, May 13, to discuss the Y2K computer problem and possible challenges that it might bring for residents and businesses. The meeting will b ...(more)

Students Collaborate with Composer Chris Patton to Write and Perform an Oratorio on Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay

(April 19, 1999)

This evening, students at James Hubert Blake High School will present the world premiere of the first movement of A Chesapeake Oratorio, a new work by local composer Chris Patton and Blake High School ...(more)

Five Students Named Semifinalists for 1999 Presidential Scholars Awards

(April 19, 1999)

1999 Presidential Scholars awards, one of the highest honors given to high school seniors in the United States. The five students are among 547 semifinalists in the nation who were selected for the ...(more)

Six High School Students Awarded Corporate sponsored National Merit Scholarships

(April 15, 1999)

Six students have won corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarships after meeting rigorous academic criteria to qualify as finalists in the annual program of the National Merit Scholarship Corp. (NM ...(more)

National Week of the Young Child Celebration Features Activities and Entertainment at Wheaton Plaza

(April 15, 1999)

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will join with parent and community groups to celebrate the nationally recognized Week of the Young Child from April 18 through April 24. The week will culmi ...(more)

Board Meeting Summary: Board Reviews Computer Technology and Y2K Plans, Discusses State Legislation, and Agrees To Consider Special Education Program Moves

(April 15, 1999)

The Board of Education met in public session yesterday [Wednesday, April 14, 1999] and, among other items, received an update on computer technology integration and preparation for potential Y2K probl ...(more)

More Than 40 Career Focus Programs -- Many with College Credit -- Offered to Montgomery County High School Students

(April 14, 1999)

An impressive array of 45 outstanding career focused programs are offered to public high school students in the Montgomery County Public Schools in fields ranging from business management and finance ...(more)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Continues its Support of Elementary and Secondary Science Education with Grants Totaling More than $1 Million

(April 14, 1999)

Science education in Montgomery County Public Schools will benefit from grants this year in excess of $1 million from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).The grants will provide internship oppo ...(more)

New Guidelines Outline Application Process to Establish a Public Charter School in Montgomery County

(April 13, 1999)

The requirements and process for establishing and operating a public charter school in Montgomery County are outlined in the Public Charter School Application and Guidelines packet, now available thro ...(more)

Eunice Shriver to Visit Goergian Forest Elementary School

(April 13, 1999)

Eunice Kennedy Shriver is scheduled to visit Georgian Forest Elementary School on Friday, April 16, from 9:00 until 11:30 a.m. She will observe the school's Community of Caring character education pro ...(more)

Neelsville Middle School Physical Education Teacher Receives Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award

(April 09, 1999)

A teacher at Neelsville Middle School has been selected to receive the 1999 Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award from The Washington Post.Brian K. Betts, physical education/arts interdisciplinary res ...(more)

Students Participate in a Mock Constitutional Hearing as part of New Tenth Grade Curriculum on Fair Housing

(April 09, 1999)

Beginning this spring, fair housing will be a topic in the national, state and local government course taken by tenth grade students in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). The centerpiece of the ...(more)