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(December 15, 2021)
Dear Jackson Road ES Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that 2 students in Grade 5 who were last present at Jackson Road ES on December 13, 2021 tested positive for the c ...(more)
Dear Gaithersburg Elementary Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in 1st grade who was last present at Gaithersburg Elementary School on Friday, December 10, ...(more)
Dear Clearspring Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student/staff member in Kindergarten who was last present at Clearspring on December 10, 2021 tested ...(more)
Dear Clarksburg Elementary School Community, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Grade 5 who was last present at Clarksburg Elementary Scho ...(more)
Dear Chevy Chase Elementary Staff, Families, and Community: This letter is to inform you that we were notified that students in both grades 4 and 5 who were lastpresent at Chevy Chase Elementary S ...(more)
Dear Bethesda Elementary School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in GRADE 5 who was last present at Bethesda Elementary School on Wednesday, Decemb ...(more)
Dear Ashburton Elementary School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in 5th grade who was last present at Ashburton Elementary School on December 8, 2021 te ...(more)
Dear Baker Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in GRADE 6 who was last present at Baker Middle School on 12/13/21 tested positive fo ...(more)
Dear Benjamin Banneker Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that 9 students in Grade Level 6 who were last present at Benjamin Banneker Middle Scho ...(more)
Dr. Scott Joftus was sworn in as the Board of Education member for District 3 on December 14, 2021, at Carver Educational Services Center. Watch the ceremony. Dr. Joftus was appointed by the Board ...(more)
(December 14, 2021)
Dear JoAnn Leleck Elementary at Broad Acres Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an Excel Beyond the Bell (EBB) staff member who was last present at JoAnn Le ...(more)
Dear Northwood Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student who was last present at Northwood High School on Monday, December 13, 2021 tested positive for the corona ...(more)
Dear Silver Spring International Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a staff member in who was last present at Silver Spring International Middle School ...(more)
Dear Shady Grove Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student who was last present at Shady Grove Middle School on Thursday, December 9 tested positive ...(more)
Dear Walter Johnson Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified of several cases today, December 15, 2021: 1 - 10th who was last in the building December 13, 2021 and tested po ...(more)