Browse Public Announcements for All School Years

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Thomas S. Wootton High School

(December 10, 2021)

Dear Thomas S. Wootton High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual who was last present at Thomas S. Wootton High School on Tuesday, December 7, 202 ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Montgomery Blair High School

(December 10, 2021)

Dear Montgomery Blair High School Families, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Grade 10, who was last present at Montgomery Blair High School on December 7, 2021, ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Monocacy Elementary School

(December 10, 2021)

Dear Monocacy School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in first grade who was last present at Monocacy on December 7, 2021, tested positive for the c ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Ashburton Elementary School

(December 10, 2021)

Dear Ashburton Elementary School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in 5th Grade, who was last present at Ashburton Elementary on December 8, 2021 tested p ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Spark Matsunaga Elementary School

(December 10, 2021)

Dear Matsunaga Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in 4th grade who was last present at Spark M. Matsunaga on December 7th tested positive for the coronavir ...(more)

Board of Education Elects Officers; Approves District 3 Appointment; Approves 2021–2022 School Year Calendar Modification; Discusses Recommended Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget

(December 10, 2021)

The Montgomery County Board of Education (Board) conducted a business meeting on December 2, 2021. During the meeting, the Board elected officers, approved an appointment to fill the District 3 seat, ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Benjamin Banneker Middle School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Benjamin Banneker Middle School Community,   This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a staff member who was last present at Benjamin Banneker Middle School on December ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Whetstone Elementary School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Whetstone Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that students/staff members who were last present at Whetstone ES on 12/7/21 and 12/8/21 tested positive for the corona ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Jackson Road Elementary School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Jackson Road ES Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Kindergarten who was last present at Jackson Road ES on December 6, 2021 tested positive for the ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Jackson Road Elementary School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Jackson Road ES Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Grade 3 who was last present at Jackson Road ES on December 9, 2021 tested positive for the coro ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Glenallen Elementary School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Glenallan Elementary (Estimado Glenallan Primaria), This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in kindergarten who was last present at Glenallan on Friday, December 3rd& ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Glenallen Elementary School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Glenallan Elementary Community (Estimada comunidad de la primaria Glenallan): This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an additional student in 4th grade who was last present at ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Parkland Middle School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Parkland Families, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that two individuals tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) on Thursday, December 9, 2021. One individual was last p ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Cabin John Middle School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Cabin John Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a member of the Cabin John community who was last present at Cabin John Middle School on December 7, 2021, tested ...(more)

Community Notification: COVID-19 Case at Silver Spring International Middle School

(December 09, 2021)

Dear Silver Spring International MS Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that an individual in 6th grade, who was last present at Silver Spring International MS on Monday, ...(more)