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(December 03, 2021)
Dear Laytonsville Elementary School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Fourth Grade who was last present at Laytonsville Elementary on 12/1/21 tested po ...(more)
Dear Montgomery Blair High School Families, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Grade 9, who was last present at Montgomery Blair High School on November 23, 2021, ...(more)
Dear North Bethesda Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in 8th grade, who was last present at North Bethesda Middle School the morning of 12.3.2021, receive ...(more)
Dear Piney Branch ES Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in third grade who was last present at Piney Branch ES on 12-1-2021 tested positive for the coronav ...(more)
Dear Walter Johnson Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Grade 12 who was last present at Walter Johnson on December 2, 2021 tested positive for the coron ...(more)
Dear Gaithersburg Elementary School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a staff member who was last present at Gaithersburg Elementary School on Tuesday, November 30, ...(more)
(December 02, 2021)
Dear Benjamin Banneker Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in GRADE 8 who was last present at Benjamin Banneker Middle School ...(more)
Dear Watkins Mill High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a staff member who was last present at Watkins Mill High School on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 teste ...(more)
Dear Poolesville High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student was last present at Poolesville High School on December 1, 2021 tested positive for the c ...(more)
Dear Bannockburn Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in 5th grade who was last present at Bannockburn on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 tested positive for the ...(more)
Dear Burning Tree ES Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Grade 3 who was last present at Burning Tree ES on 12/1/2021 tested positive for the coronavirus ...(more)
Dear Shady Grove Middle School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a staff member and a student who was last present at Shady Grove Middle School on Tuesday, November ...(more)
Dear Cashell Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in 4th Grade and a student in our PEP program, who were last present at Cashell on 11/29/2021, tested posit ...(more)
Dear Paint Branch High School Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student who was last present at Paint Branch High School on December 2, 2021 tested positive for t ...(more)
Dear Fields Road ES Community, This letter is to inform you that we were notified that a student in Grade 5 who was last present at Fields Road on December 1, 2021 tested posit ...(more)