Statement from the Montgomery County Board of Education and Montgomery County Public Schools on Governor Hogan’s Guidance on a Return to In-Person Instruction

August 27, 2020

We thank Governor Larry Hogan and State Superintendent Karen Salmon for their guidance on the return to in-person instruction for local school districts. However, we are deeply disappointed by the last-minute announcement of this critical information for school systems. MCPS will begin the school year in a virtual-only instructional model on August 31, as scheduled. We know many in our community will have questions about what this new guidance means for our students. Please allow us time to thoughtfully assess these important developments and continue to prepare for a successful start to the school year.

As we shared earlier this month, we are working with county health officials on a process that will allow us to bring in small groups of students, such as students in specific special education programs. The Board of Education will meet in the coming weeks to continue to discuss a plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Our focus remains on the academic needs and the health and safety of our students and staff. 


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