MCPS Athletics 2nd Semester and Fall Season Information

January 29, 2021

Dear MCPS Community:

The purpose of this message is to provide information regarding second semester operations of the MCPS high school interscholastic athletics program, along with registration information for the fall season. All in-person programming and activities will occur in alignment with guidelines and protocol developed by the COVID-19 Task Force for MCPS Athletics. 

In-person programming will be optional for coaches and student-athletes.  Program offerings may be school- and team-specific, depending on the selection of coaches and the interest of student-athletes. Program details will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

It is important to note that in-person programming will begin with conditioning and skills-based practices/tryouts, which must occur for a minimum of 20 calendar days (starting with the first practice) prior to any contests or competition, per MPSSAA regulations. Competition and games will only occur with the approval of MCPS. An operations plan will be shared by February 23, 2021.

Second Semester Overview

An overview of second semester operations for MCPS Athletics is provided in the Second Semester Return to R.A.I.S.E. Plan. The plan outlines the calendar and timeline for each season. Detailed information regarding the spring season and winter sports will be provided later in the semester. 

Fall Season Registration

The fall season will run from February 13 through April 17, 2021 (the start date for MCPS in-person activities is February 27, 2021). MCPS will open registration for the fall season on Friday, Jan. 29. Registration will close on Monday, Feb. 22, to give coaches an opportunity to group students appropriately and for coaches and schools to plan program operations.

MCPS Athletics Resources

Parents/guardians and student-athletes should review the following information and resources prior to registering. All documents, information and guidance are subject to change.

We look forward to welcoming our student-athletes and coaches back on campuses in the near future. We are committed to providing the greatest and safest experience for student-athletes, coaches and stakeholders in the second semester and beyond.  Specific questions should be directed to your school’s athletics specialist (AD) or coach. 


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