Fall Season Update - February 24, 2021

February 24, 2021

Dear MCPS Community:

We want to  provide an update on the fall sports season, which begins on Saturday, Feb. 27.  

Program Offerings

Schools will be communicating their program offerings this week. Program offerings are dependent on coach availability and the number of students who registered by the February 22 deadline. Competition schedules will be released next week and posted on Games and contests will be played with the approved recommendations of MCPS, the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security. The first game date is March 19 for all sports except football, which is scheduled for March 26. 

Sports Overview

A brief overview of each sport is provided in the Fall Sports Overview. This provides general information, including the number of competition opportunities for each sport and logistics.

R.A.I.S.E. Awareness

To ensure the health and safety of students, staff and all stakeholders, everyone must do their part. We ask that parents/guardians assist with implementing entrance and exit procedures and ensuring compliance with  COVID-19 protocol and procedures. Students should also  demonstrate a commitment to health and safety protocol and procedures while on campus, at home and in the community. This public service announcement for students discusses the required commitment to safety to  participate in athletics.

Communication and Resources

Throughout the season, updates and guidance from the COVID-19 Task Force will be provided on a weekly basis (or as needed) through each school’s athletic department and available on the COVID-19 Athletics Information Webpage. Information and resources continue to be updated to reflect the latest guidance from national, state and Montgomery County recommendations. Parents/guardians and student-athletes should review:

  • Return to R.A.I.S.E. Strategic Plan—Provides operating procedures and safety protocol that will be used during the fall season. Updates have been made as of February 23 and are shaded in gray to highlight the latest changes and recommendations.

  • Return to R.A.I.S.E. Video—Provides an overview of the protocol and procedures in the Return to R.A.I.S.E. Strategic Plan. Slight modifications have been and will continue to be made, including adjustments for school-specific logistics.

We look forward to welcoming our student-athletes and coaches back on campuses for the fall season. We are committed to providing a safe and successful experience for student-athletes, coaches and stakeholders. Specific questions should be directed to your school’s athletics specialist (AD) or coach. 




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