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Board of Education Discusses Recovery of Education; Receives Update on School Resource Officer Program; and Makes Several Administrative Appointments
The Montgomery County Board of Education (Board) conducted a hybrid (virtual and in-person) business meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021. During the meeting, the Board received an update on Montgomery County Public Schools’ (MCP) recovery plan; discussed the School Resource Officer Program; and made several administrative appointments. The agenda for the meeting, with links to related materials, can be viewed on the Board of Education website.
Watch the recording of the May 11, 2021, meeting.
Recovery of Education The Board received an update and held a discussion on MCPS’ recovery of education plan. To date, more than 65,000 prekindergarten—Grade 12 students are participating in in-person learning. More than 94,000 students are engaged in virtual learning. MCPS is planning for a full, in-person five-day week schedule for students in the fall. Continued improvements in public health conditions, an increase in vaccinations, and the relaxation of state and county restrictions will allow for more students in-person and the resumption of typical in-person activities and instruction. MCPS will continue to work closely with local, state, and national public health officials to follow recommended health and safety protocols while welcoming staff, students, and families back to school buildings. MCPS also is working closely with the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services to provide students 12 years and older with an opportunity to get vaccinated. View the PowerPoint Presentation. Read the Community Update.
School Resource Officer Program
The Board received an update and held a discussion on the School Resource Officer (SRO) program. The Board reviewed a report from MCPS staff that analyzed whether the SRO program should be continues, modified, or ended. The report shared some community feedback the district received and recommendations on how to improve the program.
In the proposed Montgomery County operating budget for the next fiscal year, County Executive Marc Elrich removed funding for SROs. The County Executive has proposed a “community” model, in which police officers could respond to crises at schools from their beats in the surrounding community. In light of the executive’s decision and additional proposed legislation by the County Council, the Board has asked the district to move forward with planning for an alternative program to provide adequate local law enforcement coverage as required by state law. The Board will finalize its plan for a program to replace SROs after it reviews recommendations from county committees that are working to rethink and reshape public safety in schools.
Read the memorandum.
View the PowerPoint presentation.
The Board approved the following administrative appointments:
Helen A. Nixon, currently associate superintendent, Office of Human Resources and Development (OHRD), as chief of OHRD
Heather B. Carias, currently principal intern, Thomas Edison High School of Technology, as supervisor, Thomas Edison High School of Technology
Kiera D. Butler, currently assistant principal, Newport Mill Middle School, as principal, Newport Mill Middle School
Megan H. Murphy, currently principal, Seven Locks Elementary School, as principal, Sequoyah Elementary School
The Board approved a resolution recognizing May 10-14, 2021, as Pupil Personnel Worker Week in MCPS.
Future Meetings
The Board of Education is scheduled to hold its next business meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. The Board will meet in a hybrid format (in-person and virtually). The agenda is subject to change. Please check the Board of Education website and meeting calendar for further information.
About the Board of Education The Montgomery County Board of Education is the official educational policymaking body in the county. The Board is responsible for the direction and operation of the public school system. The Board consists of seven county residents elected by voters for a four-year term and a student elected by secondary school students for a one-year term. Board members are elected countywide but run at-large or from the Board district in which they reside. Montgomery County Board of Education: Ms. Brenda Wolff, president; Mrs. Karla Silvestre, vice president. Members: Dr. Judith Docca, Mrs. Shebra Evans, Mrs. Lynne Harris, Mrs. Patricia O’Neill, Mrs. Rebecca Smondrowski, and Mr. Nicholas (Nick) Asante, student member. Dr. Jack R. Smith, superintendent of schools and secretary-treasurer. Office of the Board: 240-740-3030.
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