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Board Discusses Student Performance, Appoints Four New Administrators, and Approves Facilities and Budget Items
The Board also approved four administrative appointments, preliminary architectural plans for three schools, and a series of facilities management and budget items. The Board also reviewed status reports on new construction, legal fees, and participation of minority-, female-, or disabled-owned business vendors.
Accountability Framework
In a major report on student assessment, the Board reviewed data illustrating performance gaps between African American and Hispanic students in comparison to White and Asian students. The report also focused on school productivity measures and identified distinct differences among schools, including those with similar demographics and from similar areas of the county.
Personnel Appointments
The Board of Education approved the following administrative appointments:
Architectural Plans
The Board approved preliminary plans for modernization of Rock Creek Valley Elementary School, an addition to Col. Zadok Magruder High School, and a gymnasium addition for Burnt Mills Elementary School.
Facilities Management and Budget Items
The Board approved a series of facilities contracts and budget items, including architectural appointments for Rockville High School and Northwest Elementary School #6.
Status Reports
The Board reviewed information in the construction progress report for the period ending July 31, 1999. The Board also reviewed the legal fees report for May 1999, and the minority-, female-, or disabled-owned business procurement report for the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 1999.
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