November 11 is New Date for TV Show on Grading

October 6, 2003
Viewpoint: Grading and Reporting Policy, a live call-in television program, has been rescheduled. The program will air on Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Cable Channel 34 on Tuesday, November 11, from 7:00 until 8:00 p.m. Community members are invited to call with their questions at 301-279-3234 during the program.

The presentation will include a panel discussion with Board of Education Vice President Sharon Cox, Deputy Superintendent Gregory Thornton, and Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instructional Programs Dale Fulton. There will be an opportunity for parents, students, and other community members to ask questions of the panelists.

Topics are expected to include:

§ The purpose for the policy revision.
§ The difference between the revised policy and the previous policy.
§ The meaning of grades as an accurate reflection of student achievement.
§ Clarification of the role of effort, participation, and homework in determining a grade.

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