3 New Contracts Signed by Board & Employee Unions

May 11, 2004
The Board of Education today [Tuesday, May 11] joined the presidents of the three employee representative organizations in signing multi-year contract agreements on wages, salaries, and working conditions for personnel of the Montgomery County Public Schools.

The Board earlier this year had included a $20.7 million amendment to the Fiscal Year 2005 operating budget request that would fund contract agreements featuring a 2% increase in salaries next year for teachers, supporting services staff, and administrative staff.

The three agreements, which were ratified earlier by the members of the respective unions, also included cost containment measures in insurance totaling a savings of $3 million next year. Each of the contracts extends provisions on salaries and benefits through Fiscal Year 2007, with various opportunities for renegotiation of specific provisions.

The contracts were signed by Board of Education President Sharon Cox; Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools; and the leaders of the three unions: Bonnie Cullison, president of the Montgomery County Education Association; Merle Cuttitta, president of SEIU-Local 500; and Dr. Rebecca Newman, president of the Montgomery County Association of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel.

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