Consortium (DCC) to Hold Meetings on Choice Process

October 7, 2004
In December 2004, students in Grade 8 who live in the Downcounty Consortium (DCC) area will rank their choice of high schools for the 2005-2006 school year. During the month of October, choice information meetings are scheduled at all eight middle schools in the Downcounty Consortium: Argyle, Eastern, Col. E. Brooke Lee, Newport Mill, Parkland, Silver Spring International, Sligo, and Takoma Park. The information meetings will provide families with an overview of the choice process and the Academy Programs at each of the five Consortium high schools:

· Montgomery Blair High School
1) Entrepreneurship; 2) Human Service Professions; 3) International Studies; 4) Media Literacy; and 5) Science, Math, and Technology

· Albert Einstein High School
1) International Baccalaureate Program (IB); 2) Finance (AOF); and 3) Visual and Performing Arts

· John F. Kennedy High School
1) Cambridge; 2) MediaCom: Multimedia and Telecommunications; and 3) Sports Medicine and Management

· Northwood High School
1) Environmental Sciences; 2) Political Science and Public Advocacy; 3) Humanities and Film; and 4) Gilder Lehrman Academy of American History

· Wheaton High School
1) Information Technology (AOIT); 2) Engineering (PLTW); and 3) Biosciences and Medicine

The meetings will take place in the evening, and the same information will be presented at all DCC middle school locations. Parents may attend the meeting of their choice. Parents of Grade 8 students currently attending private school are encouraged to attend these meetings and find out more about the exciting opportunities offered at DCC high schools. In addition, there will be an enrollment meeting for parents of private school students who wish to attend a DCC high school for the 2005-2006 school year.

Later in the fall, parents and Grade 8 students are encouraged to attend each Consortium high school's Open House. Each high school showcases its own unique Academy Programs and provides school specific information related to course offerings, extracurricular activities, and special programs.

For questions about the choice information meetings or high school Open Houses, contact the Downcounty Consortium office, 301-649-8081, or visit the Downcounty Consortium web site.


All meetings begin at 7 p.m.

October 7, 2004 Eastern Middle School
October 11, 2004 Col. E. Brooke Lee Middle School
October 14, 2004 Newport Mill Middle School
October 18, 2004 Takoma Park Middle School
October 19, 2004 Parkland Middle School
October 21, 2004 Silver Spring International Middle School
October 25, 2004 Sligo Middle School

December 1, 2004 Spring Mill Field Office - Private school parents
Call for an appointment at 301-649-8081


All meetings begin at 7 p.m.

November 8, 2004 Northwood High School
November 10, 2004 Albert Einstein High School
November 15, 2004 Montgomery Blair High School
November 17, 2004 Wheaton High School
November 22, 2004 John F. Kennedy High School

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