New Grading Policy is Focus of Call-in Show on Ch. 34

October 12, 2004
Viewpoint: Grading & Reporting, a live call-in television program, will air on Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Cable Channel 34 on Monday, October 18, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

The program will provide an opportunity for parents, students, teachers, and other interested community members to engage in a dialogue about the implementation of the revised grading and reporting policy.

Topics will include the following:

· Rationale for changes in policy and practices
· Timeline for full implementation
· Accurate information on~new grading and reporting practices implemented this school year
· First hand information from principals and teachers on how the implementation is going.

NOTE: Community members are invited to call with their questions during the broadcast at 301-279-3234.

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