Board Approves FY 2007 Capital Budget Request

November 22, 2005
FY 2007-2012 Capital Improvements Program Request Totals $1.174 Billion

On November 17, the Board of Education approved a FY 2007 Capital Budget appropriation request totaling $188.2 million and an FY 2007-2012 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) request totaling $1.174 billion. The Board also approved the FY 2007 state CIP request of $125.2 million.

The CIP funds are needed to provide additional school capacity and reduce the need for relocatable classrooms. Over the next six-year planning period, the funds would provide for capital improvements in the following areas:

• Opening of one high school and four elementary schools.
• Reopening of two elementary schools.
• Construction of 20 school additions.
• Modernization of four high, three middle, and nine elementary schools.
• Construction of 30 elementary gyms.
• Construction of core improvements to one high school and two middle schools.
• Funding for systemic projects such as Planned Life-cycle Asset Replacement (PLAR); roof replacement; heating, ventilating and air conditioning; water and indoor air quality; improved safe access; and school security.

The Board approved a boundary study for Glen Haven, Highland and Kemp Mill elementary schools, to create the service area for Downcounty Consortium Elementary School #28 (formerly Arcola Elementary School). The Board also approved a boundary study for Seven Locks and Potomac elementary schools to establish the service area for a replacement school for Seven Locks Elementary School. Both studies will be conducted in spring 2006.

The Board approved an amendment to not surplus the existing Seven Locks Elementary School site at least through FY 2012.

The Board also approved a roundtable discussion group to explore options to relieve Sligo Creek and Takoma Park elementary schools. The group will include these schools plus East Silver Spring and Piney Branch elementary schools.

A supplement to the approved budget request includes convening a site selection committee in spring 2006 to develop a recommendation for a new Central Area High School site and an educational specifications committee to review facility design concepts.

The recommended Capital Budget and CIP will be reviewed by the county executive and County Council before the Council adopts its CIP budget next May.

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