John F. Kennedy High School Advisory Commitee to Hold Initial Public Meeting to Outline its Plan of Work and Encourage Community Participation

January 19, 2000
The John F. Kennedy High School Advisory Committee will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 2000 (snow date February 14, 2000) at John F. Kennedy High School in the cafeteria from 7:30-8:30 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.

The Committee has been asked by the school system to serve as a panel for the purpose of facilitating the resolution of issues affecting the operation of John F. Kennedy High School. The panel is made up of eight persons representing a cross-section of the community.

The focus of this initial meeting will be to:

  • allow panel members to introduce themselves and summarize their background,

  • explain the charter under which the panel will operate,

  • outline the panel's plan of work and explain the tasks to be undertaken in the next few months,

  • explain the ways all persons and organizations can communicate with the panel,

  • clarify the process and answer questions.

    Panel members are:

  • Ms. Ivonne Cervoni, president of the National Conference of Puerto Rican Women

  • Rev. Lon Dring, Jr., former executive director of Community Ministry of Montgomery County

  • Ms. Connie Harshaw, president of Potomac Valley Chapter, National Council of Negro Women

  • Mr. Sidney Kramer, former county executive for Montgomery County

  • Dr. Cornell Lewis, former associate superintendent, Montgomery County Public Schools

  • Judge Chung K. Pak, co-chair of the Coalition of Korean American Organizations and the NAACP Multicultural Community Partnership Steering Committee

  • Ms. Vicki Rafel, vice president of legislation, National PTA, Inc.

  • Mr. James Robinson, chair of the Citizens Minority Relations Monitoring Committee

    All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting. Interpreters will be available.

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