Forums To Focus on Goals for Middle School Reform

October 30, 2006
Proposed Goals and Strategies for Middle School Reform Are the Subject of Two Public Forums

Staff, parents, students, and community members are invited to give their input on the proposed goals and strategies to strengthen the middle school program in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). An overview of the proposed middle school policy will be provided.

A public forum will be held on each of the following dates:

-Monday, November 13—Shady Grove Middle School, 7-9 p.m.

-Wednesday, November 29—Silver Spring International Middle School, 7-9 p.m.

For the past year, the school system and a range of constituents have been working on a plan to reform middle schools. The goal is to provide a rigorous academic program for all middle school students. The work includes a focus on addressing the achievement gap of African American and Hispanic students, English language learners, students with disabilities, and students impacted by poverty.

Free child care will be provided at the forums. Interpreters for Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and French will be available. Sign language interpretation will be provided, if requested at least one week prior to the event, by calling 301-517-5539 or 5582 (Voice/TTY).

For more information, visit the link below.

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