Board Approves Platform on Priority Isssues

November 15, 2006
The Board of Education met on Tuesday, November 14, 2006, and, among other items, approved a legislative platform and tentatively approved an amendment to Policy JFA, Student Rights and Responsibilities. The Board also approved secondary-level pilot courses and an administrative appointment. The Board discussed feedback on the strategic plan and operating budget process and approved preliminary plans for additions to three elementary schools. American Education Week and recognition of veterans of the armed forces also were approved. The Board deferred action on a process for external audits.

Legislative Platform

The Board approved a legislative platform for the 2007 session of the Maryland General Assembly. The platform summarizes the Board’s positions on priority issues without precluding consideration of additional legislative and budget issues that arise during the legislative session. The document is distributed to members of the General Assembly and the community and is posted on the Board of Education’s Web site at

Policy JFA, Student Rights and Responsibilities

The Board tentatively adopted a change to Policy JFA, Student Rights and Responsibilities, stipulating that a student’s conduct prior to election or appointment to a leadership position meet a “higher standard” in order for the student to be eligible to attain, or retain, such leadership positions. The amended policy will be sent out for public comment.


The Board approved the following administrative appointment:

Lauree C. Hemke, currently field office specialist in the Metro Park Field Office, as supervisor of Alternative Programs, Department of Student Services

Secondary Pilot Courses

The Board approved a number of pilot courses for secondary schools designed to support and extend middle school magnet programs and high school signature, academy, career and technology, and elective courses. Regulation IFA-RA allows externally developed curricula and instructional programs to be used in place of MCPS curricula after appropriate review and approval.

Report on Public Engagement Efforts for Strategic Planning and the Operating Budget

The Board discussed a summary of feedback received from the community on strategic planning and the operating budget. Outreach efforts included a community forum, a meeting of staff and the Board of Education with community leaders, and feedback online. In addition, postage-paid cards in multiple languages have been disseminated at forums, to all schools, to parent and community organizations, and to Board members and MCPS staff for use in meetings. The information will be used in preparation for the next update of the strategic plan and as part of the superintendent’s presentation of the operating budget request for Fiscal Year 2008.

Approval of Preliminary Plans

The Board approved preliminary plans for additions to Ashburton Elementary School, Luxmanor Elementary School, and Stedwick Elementary School.

Process for Board of Education Approval of External Audits

The Board deferred action on a process for external agencies and other interested parties to audit financial and performance data.

In Honor of Veterans

The Board recognized the month of November as a special time to remember and acknowledge the men and women who have served in the armed forces of the United States.

American Education Week

The Board declared November 12 through 18, 2006, as American Education Week in Montgomery County Public Schools and called on everyone in the community to strengthen efforts to build and maintain a world-class public school system.

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