New TV Program Helps Students Master Algebra

January 22, 2007
Math Dude Series on MCPS Cable Channel 33 Reinforces Units Taught in the Classroom

He’s hip. He’s humorous. He’s The Math Dude, and he’s coming to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Cable Channel 33 starting on January 23. The Dude, also known as Mike DeGraba, will help students learn and review algebra concepts and problems. An MCPS math teacher for 31 years, DeGraba also is host of Homework Hotline Live on Channel 33.

The Math Dude series will reinforce units of Algebra 1 as the lessons are taught in the classroom. An episode will air each week throughout the school year, offering students a timely way to review the algebra they are learning in the classroom AND prepare for passing the algebra high school assessment – now required by the state for graduation, starting with the class of 2009.

Although he looks as if he could be standing on the stage of “American Idol,” the Dude is really standing in front of a green field, or screen, where he is taped from different angles using three separate cameras. Then the green field is removed and computer-generated images and backgrounds take its place. Two large “whiteboards” serve as virtual monitors where animated video of math equations is inserted. Special sound effects and a good dose of humor enhance the program as well.

The Math Dude airs at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays throughout the school year.

Program episodes also will be posted on the Internet.

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