68 Teachers Earn National Certification

January 24, 2007
68 Teachers Achieve Certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

Sixty-eight Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) teachers recently achieved certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), bringing the total number of nationally certified teachers in MCPS to 294.

MCPS had by far the largest number of educators earning board certification of any county in Maryland and also the largest number in the metropolitan Washington area. Among those newly certified educators, Broad Acres Elementary School had six teachers who achieved certification this year—more than any other MCPS school. The MCPS teachers are among 161 teachers who achieved certification in Maryland this year.

National board certification was created so teachers and other educators, including school counselors, can achieve distinction like professionals in other fields by demonstrating that they meet high and rigorous standards.

Teachers achieve national board certification after completing a rigorous series of assessments that include teaching portfolios, student work samples, videotapes, and rigorous analyses of their classroom teaching and student learning. Candidates also complete a series of written exercises that probe the depth of their subject-matter knowledge and their understanding of how to teach those subjects to their students.

Nationally certified MCPS teachers receive an additional $2,000 in salary each year for a period of 10 years. The state matches the local salary supplement of school-based educators with a stipend of up to $2,000 per year.

The 68 MCPS teachers and their schools or offices are as follows:

Donna Beatrice, John Baker MS
Kathleen Cohan, Beall ES
Anne Cullen, Montgomery Blair HS
Peter Engelmann, Montgomery Blair HS
Elmira Cole, Broad Acres ES
Catherine Kern, Broad Acres ES
Catherine Randall, Broad Acres ES
Nia Taylor, Broad Acres ES
Susan Vaslow, Broad Acres ES
Katherine Villani, Broad Acres ES
Dominique Bourdet, Rachel Carson ES
Cindi Lostritto, Rachel Carson ES
Meletta Mellon, Rachel Carson ES
Joy Wolfe, Chevy Chase ES
Andrea Christman, Winston Churchill HS
Jeanine Hurley, Clarksburg HS
Kristen Miller, Cloverly ES
Cynthia Roca, Cloverly ES
Kevin Conley, Damascus ES
Frieda Cooney, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Gina Anazco, Division of Family and Community Partnerships
Traci Matturro, Farmland ES
Andre Jones II, William Farquhar MS
Brent Cook, Gaithersburg HS
Margaret Vanbuskirk, Gaithersburg HS
Maria Boichin, Gaithersburg MS
Heather Down, Garrett Park ES
Michelle Kiser, Greenwood ES
Sharon Barry, Herbert Hoover MS
Vicki Embrey, Jackson Road ES
Stephen Dubrow, Walter Johnson HS
Robin Caropreso, Jones Lane ES
Linda Folsom, Kemp Mill ES
Sarah Matthews, Kemp Mill ES
Wendy McAvoy, Kemp Mill ES
Michael Szczublewski, Martin Luther King, Jr. MS
Kisha Logan, A. Mario Loiederman MS
Nancy Teague, Kemp Mill ES
Andrea Bender, Little Bennett ES
Jennifer Loftis, Little Bennett ES
Margaret Prin, Little Bennett ES
Angela McLeod, Spark Matsunaga ES
Stephanie Moxley, Spark Matsunaga ES
Carolyn Staub, Spark Matsunaga ES
Carla Malozowski-Kieval, Maryvale ES
Todd Garlow, Richard Montgomery HS
Kimberley Lansell, Richard Montgomery HS
William Vicari, Richard Montgomery HS
Elizabeth Raabe, Montgomery Village MS
Kerry Zahn, Montgomery Village MS
Monica Taylor, New Hampshire Estates ES
Sally Moran, Newport Mill MS
Denise Goldin-Dubois, Northwood HS
Molly Beach, Rosa Parks MS
Sarah Lewis, Rosa Parks MS
Ellen Stahly, Quince Orchard HS
Michelle Nicoll, Ridgeview MS
Kristin Dascalu, Rockville HS
Jane Blacka, Sherwood HS
Shelley Jackson, Sherwood HS
Lisa Ryan, Sherwood HS
Ebony Kelly, Sargent Shriver ES
Christina Sloan, Somerset ES
Kathleen Van de Poll, Washington Grove ES
Jennifer Rodgers, Watkins Mill ES
Jennifer Locke, Wheaton HS
Donald De Member, Walt Whitman HS
Terri Nostrand, Thomas Wootton HS

A total of 822 teachers in Maryland and 55,306 teachers nationwide have attained NBPTS certification since the program’s inception. Maryland ranks 15th nationwide in the number of new national board certified teachers. Maryland also ranks 15th in the total number of teachers who have achieved certification over time.

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