Latino Education Coalition Presents Findings to Board

March 27, 2007
Board Approves Plan for Development and Design of an Annual School Safety Report

The Board of Education met on Monday (March 26) and, among other items, reviewed an update on recommendations of the Latino Education Coalition and approved a plan for a school safety report to the public. The Board also voted to approve a bargaining unit for noncertificated supervisory employees, approved a boundary study for the Hampshire Greens community, and heard a report on legislation before the Maryland General Assembly. A number of observances were noted: Month of the Young Child, Arab American Heritage Month, National Autism Awareness Month, and National Student Leadership Week.

Update on the Latino Education Coalition

The Board discussed an update on the findings, recommendations, and current status of the Montgomery County Public Schools Latino Education Coalition. The group’s recommendations for improving Latino student achievement addressed the needs of high-school-aged students who enter the school system with little or no formal education, the extent and quality of Latino parent involvement and outreach to Latino parents, and the cultural and linguistic competency of school system staff.

School Safety Report Action Plan

The Board supported the superintendent’s recommendation for a school safety report action plan that calls for the design and development of a mechanism for the public reporting of serious incident data for all schools and the use of such data to support the school system’s goal to improve school safety and security. The plan includes input from parents, staff, students, law enforcement representatives, and other stakeholders. A copy of the action plan will be conveyed to the Montgomery County Council in April 2007.

Recommendation to Approve Bargaining Unit of Noncertificated Supervisory Employees

The Board established a bargaining unit of noncertificated supervisory employees and asked the superintendent and staff to submit a resolution to the Board that would recognize a representative organization for the unit.

Hampshire Greens Community Boundary Study

The Board approved a boundary study to review options for assigning middle school students in the Hampshire Greens community to William H. Farquhar, Briggs Chaney, Frances Scott Key, or White Oak middle schools.

Items of Legislation

The Board received an update on legislation relating to education currently before the Maryland General Assembly.

Month of the Young Child

The Board endorsed the joint proclamation of early childhood education stakeholders to recognize April as the Month of the Young Child in Montgomery County. The theme for the nationally recognized celebration is “Partnerships for School Readiness.”

Arab American Heritage Month

The Board declared April to be observed as Arab American Heritage Month in recognition of the many contributions of Arab Americans to the community and the nation.

National Autism Awareness Month

The Board recognized the combined vigilance and expertise of families, schools, and community in educating children with autism. National Autism Awareness Month in April focuses on this growing developmental disability that affects normal development of verbal and nonverbal communications and other interactions. MCPS currently educates approximately 1,060 students with autism.

National Student Leadership Week

The Board recognized April 15 through 21 as National Student Leadership Week and commended student leaders for their efforts and achievements.

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