Board of Education To Meet on Tuesday, November 11

November 7, 2008

9:00 a.m. 1.0 Acknowledgment of a Quorum
1.1 Resolution for Closed Sessions (A)

10:00 a.m. 2.0 Approval of the Agenda (A)
2.1 Pledge of Allegiance (A)
2.2 In Honor of Veterans (A)
2.3 American Education Week (A)

10:10 Public Comments

10:40 Board/Superintendent Comments

10:45 3.0 Legislative Platform (D/A)

11:15 4.0 2009-10 School Calendar (D/A)

1:30 p.m. 5.0 Consent Items

5.1.1 Contracts of $25,000 or More (A)#

5.2.1 Award of Contract B Carderock Springs ES Modernization (A)#
5.2.2 Award of Contract B Cresthaven ES Modernization (A)#
5.2.3 Award of Contract B Takoma Park ES Addition (A)#
5.2.4 Architectural Appointment B Northwood HS Wellness Center (A)#
5.2.5 FY 2009 Transfer and Supplemental Appropriation for Emergency Repairs at Various Schools (A)#
5.2.6 Washington Grove ES B Grant of Easement and Right-of-Way (A)#
Preconstruction/Construction Management Services
5.2.7 Cannon Road ES Modernization (A)#
5.2.8 Farmland ES Modernization (A)#
5.2.9 Garrett Park ES Modernization (A)#
5.2.10 Seven Locks ES Modernization (A)#

5.3.1 Utilization of the FY 2009 Provision for Future Supported Projects Funds (A)#
5.3.2 FY 2009 First Quarter Category and Object Transfers Request (A)#

1:35 6.0 Human Resources Monthly Report (A)

1:40 7.0 Monthly Financial Report (D)

1:45 8.0 Board of Education Policies
8.1 Tentative Action, Policy AEB, Strategic Planning for Continuous Improvement (D/A)
8.2 Approval of Board of Education Handbook (D/A)
8.3 Rescission of Two Policies (D/A)

2:30 9.0 Presentation Plans
9.1 Redland MS Improvements (A)
9.2 Fox Chapel ES Addition (A)

3:00 10.0 Secondary Pilot Courses (D/A)

3:30 11.0 Goal 1: Ensure Success for Every Student: Achievement Steering Committees (Continuing the Dialogue on Race) (D)

4:45 12.0 Board of Education Items
12.1 Closed Session Resolution (A)
12.2 Report of Closed Session (A)
12.3 Appeal (A)
12.4 Previous New Business
12.4.1 Student Transfer (A)
12.5 Board Committee Updates (if needed) (D)
12.6 New Business

4:55 13.0 Items of Information (I)
13.1 Legal Fees Report
13.2 Construction Progress Report
13.3 Minority-, Female-, or Disabled-owned Business Procurement Report for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2008

5:00 Adjournment (A)
# student vote does not count. Four votes needed for adoption.
* times listed are intended for guidance only; unless changed by the Board, the order in which items appear will be followed.

Future Board of Education Meetings
Wednesday, November 12, 7:00 p.m., Facilities and Boundaries Hearing - Auditorium
Thursday, November 13, 7:00 p.m., Facilities and Boundaries Hearing - Auditorium
Tuesday, November 18, 7:30 p.m., Meeting with the Montgomery County Delegation
Thursday, November 20, 6:00 p.m., Facilities and Boundaries Decisions
Tuesday, December 2, 7:00 p.m., Meeting - MCR, MCJC, and SGA Presidents - Auditorium
Thursday, December 4, 7:30 p.m., Swearing In of New Board Members
Tuesday, December 9, 10:00 a.m., All-day Business Meeting

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