Dismissal will be Impacted for Schools in Vicinity of Police Search Area

November 20, 2008
Dismissal will be Impacted for Schools in Vicinity of Police Search Area

Due to an ongoing police investigation for suspects from an area bank robbery today, the Montgomery County Police Department is conducting a search in an area that includes the following schools: Paint Branch High School, Greencastle Elementary School and Benjamin Banneker Middle School. The search area is bordered by Briggs Chaney Road, Old Columbia Pike, and Greencastle Road. Due to the search, vehicle traffic is prohibited from entering this area.

As a result of this situation, students from Greencastle Elementary will be safely held inside the school until police allow for the dismissal. Paint Branch and Banneker students will have a normal dismissal, except for students who live inside the search area. These students will be held at their respective schools.

Other area schools that were in Code Blue due to the investigation, are all being dismissed on a normal schedule. Those schools include: Burtonsville Elementary, Fairland Elementary School and Briggs Chaney Middle School.

Students who live inside the search area but attend a school outside of the search area will be brought to Banneker Middle School for reunification with their parents. Galway and Fairland Elementary students who live inside the search area will be held at those two schools for parent reunification.

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