Board of Education Agenda for April 11, 2000

April 7, 2000


April 11, 2000

(A) Action

(D) Discussion

(I) Information

(R) Recognition

Tuesday, April 11, 2000 10:00 a. m.*

9:00 a.m. Closed Session

10:00 a.m. 1.0 Roll Call

1.1 Approval of the Agenda (A)

1.2 National Week of the Young Child (A)

1.3 Secretaries Week (A)

1.4 National Volunteer Week (A)

1.5 Board/Superintendent Comments (D)

10:30 Public Comments

11:00 2.0 School Resource Officers (D/A)

12:00 Lunch and Closed Session

1:30 3.0 Consent Items


3.1.1 Procurement Contracts More Than $25,000 (A)#

Facilities Management

3.2.1 Award of Contracts - Reroofing (A)#

3.2.2 Architectural Fee Increase - Wheaton HS (A)#

3.2.3 Award of Contracts - Industrial Hygiene and Engineering Support (A)#

3.2.4 Grant of Deed and Agreement for the Transfer of On-site Sewer Facilities at Woodfield ES (A)#

3.2.5 Grant of Deed of Easement at James Hubert Blake HS (A)#


Utilization of FY 2000 Future Supported Project Funds for the

3.3.1 Sherwood Cluster Home School Initiative (A)#

3.3.2 Head Start Extended Year and Child Care Program (A)#

3.3.3 FY 2001 Operating Budget Amendment: Revised Enrollment Projections for the 2000-2001 School Year (A)#

1:35 4.0 Human Resources Appointments (A)

1:40 .0 Monthly Financial Report (D)

1:45 6.0 Recruitment and Hiring for the FY 2001 School Year (D)

2:15 7.0 Baldrige in Education Initiative (Maryland BiE-IN) Status Report (D)

3:00 8.0 Transfer Policy: Implications of the Eisenberg Decision (D)

4:00 9.0 Board of Education Items

9.1 Final Legislative Report (verbal) (D)

9.2 Closed Session Resolution (A)

9.3 Report of Closed Session (I)

9.4 Minutes (December 14, 1999, January 11, February 3, March 21, and March 27, 2000) (A)

9.5 Appeals (A)

9.6 Appointments to Advisory Committees

9.6.1 Family Life and Human Development (A)

9.6.2 Career and Technology Education (A)

9.7 New Business

4:25 10.0 Items of Information (I)

10.1 Items in Process

10.2 Legal Fees Report

10.3 Construction Progress Report

4:30 Adjournment

# student vote does not count. Four votes needed for adoption.

* times listed are intended for guidance only; unless changed by the Board, the order in which items appear will be followed.

Future Board of Education Meetings

Thursday, April 13, 7:30 p.m., Meeting with MCCPTA

Tuesday, April 25, 8:00 p.m., Evening Business Meeting

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