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Board Authorizes Task Force to Study School Resource Officer Program, Reviews Transfer Policy Options, and Appoints Seven Administrators
The Board made seven administrative appointments, and reviewed status reports on the Baldrige in Education initiative and hiring for the FY 2001 school year. The Board also appointed advisory committee members and recognized observance of the National Week of the Young Child, Secretaries Week and National Volunteer Week.
Transfer Policy
The Board discussed the implications for the student transfer policy resulting from the decision by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals (Eisenberg versus The Board of Education) that invalidated that part of the transfer policy considering race as one of several criteria governing approval or denial of student transfer requests. Attorneys for the Board described some of the alternative transfer practices that may be considered by the school system.
School Resource Officers
The Board authorized the establishment of a task force to address community concerns and determine the feasibility of a School Resource Officer Program for Montgomery County Public Schools.
The Board approved the following administrative appointments:
ú Edward A. Clarke, currently director, Montgomery County Police Training Academy, as director, Department of School Safety and Security
ú Darlene Merry, currently acting director, Department of Staff Development, as director, Department of Staff Development
ú Gary Levine, currently acting director, Division of Employment Operations and Technology, as director, Division of Employment Operations and Technology
ú Thelma Monk, currently acting director, Division of Staffing, as director, Division of Staffing
ú John Antonishak, currently acting coordinator, Department of Staff Development, as coordinator, Department of Staff Development
ú Claudia Nash Simmons, currently project manager, Aspen Systems Corporation, as coordinator, Head Start Unit
ú Donna K. Graves, currently instructional specialist, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, as coordinator, special initiatives, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Baldrige in Education Initiative
The Board reviewed a status report on Montgomery County's participation in the Baldrige in Education Initiative sponsored by the National Alliance of Business. Initial involvement will use a $100,000 grant from the Maryland State Department of Education to create a model for Baldrige-based performance excellence, develop a systemwide initiative for training and self-assessment at the leadership level, and develop a school-based initiative to improve teaching practices and student achievement results in five pilot schools.
Recruitment and Hiring for the FY 2001 School Year
The Board reviewed a report on recruitment and hiring for the upcoming school year. Because of new academic initiatives, reduced class size, and enrollment growth, the hiring projection is 1,400 teachers, approximately 300 more than in each of the last two years.
Board Advisory Committees
The Board appointed members to the Family Life and Human Development, and Career and Technology Education advisory committees.
National Week of the Young Child
The school system joined with the Montgomery County Executive, the Montgomery County Council, and the Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children, Youth and Families to focus attention on young children and their families and proclaim the week of April 9 through April 15 as the National Week of the Young Child in Montgomery County.
Secretaries Week
The Board approved the observance of Secretaries' Week from April 23 through April 29 in recognition of the competence and dedication of the school system's secretarial and clerical employees.
National Volunteer Week
The Board expressed its appreciation to volunteers and volunteer coordinators for their contributions. During the past school year, 48,000 volunteers gave 2.3 million hours of service to staff and students and provided the equivalent hours of 1,080 full-time, 12-month employees. If a dollar value were attached to the volunteer hours, the sum would be more than $26 million.
Board of Education: Mrs. Patricia B. O'Neill, president; Kermit V. Burnett, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Mr. Reginald M. Felton, Mrs. Beatrice Gordon, Ms. Nancy J. King, Ms. Mona M. Signer, and Ms. Laura Sampedro, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617
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