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ALERT - Computer Virus Warning
Description of the Virus
The following is a description of how the e-mail may appear as an e-mail message.
Subject of e-mail: ILOVEYOU
Name of attachment: LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs
Size of attachment: 10307
Technical Description
The following is a technical description of the virus:
(1) The virus is described as "VBS.LoveLetter.A" and is an "email worm," which is also described as a "mIRC worm" and a "file infector."
(2) If such a virus enters a computer's system, "VBS.LoveLetter.A" automatically tries to enter the Microsoft Outlook program and email itself out as an attachment with the above subject line and attachment name. The body of the message in the e-mail message will ask the reader to check and open the infected attachment, entitled "LOVELETTER." Do not do this!
(3) The virus will also try to infect files with the following extensions: vbs, vbe, js, jse, css, wsh, sct, hta, jpg, jpeg, mp3, and mp2.
(4) The virus will try to insert the following file "MSKernel32.vbs" into the Windows System directory, the "Win32DLL.vbs" into the Windows directory, the "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs" file into the Windows System directory, and the "WinFAT32.EXE" file into the Internet download direct.
(5) The result will be extensive damage to the computer.
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