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Initiative Aims High for African American Student Success
The first phase of this effort is the publication this week of a new booklet entitled "Aim High," which provides detailed information about instructional opportunities available in school, including above-grade-level work and challenges through accelerated instructional programs. These include Gifted and Talented program, Honors and Advanced Placement courses, and advanced-level courses.
The new booklet, which was showcased at a press conference on Tuesday, May 16, reflects the unique collaboration of the school system, the Parents Council of the NAACP, the African American Festival of Academic Excellence, the National Council of Negro Women, and Montgomery College.
Copies of the 20-page booklet will be distributed next month to all parents of African American students, as well as all instructional staff. A limited number of copies will be distributed this weekend at the African American Festival of Academic Excellence at Richard Montgomery High School. The publication is available on the school system's website at the site listed below.
The effort is the first of a series of communication strategies under way to address similar issues affecting all students, with special efforts focusing on the needs of Hispanic and Asian American students.
The new booklet provides information to help parents support their children, such as developing strong academic skills and confidence as learners, preparation for challenging instruction at all grade levels, and awareness of opportunities for college acceptance, success and financial aid.
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