Feasibility Studies Outline Options for Wheaton/Edison and Farquhar Modernizations

July 29, 2011

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) officials are seeking public input on two modernization projects: Wheaton High School and Thomas Edison High School of Technology in Silver Spring and William H. Farquhar Middle School in Olney.

The feasibility studies on each project have been completed and are now available for public review on the MCPS website.  

Both projects have received a high level of public interest. Each community has been notified of the availability of the feasibility studies on the MCPS website. The  MCPS Department of Facilities Management is asking for the public to submit feedback on the draft studies by Friday, August 19.

Both modernization projects have already received extensive public input, through facility advisory committees composed of parents and community members and public hearings.

Superintendent Joshua P. Starr will release his recommendations on the two projects prior to the Board’s consideration of these projects. The Board of Education is scheduled to vote on them during its meeting on September 13.

To comment on the Wheaton/Edison draft study, email Dennis Cross by August 19, 2011. To submit comments on the Farquhar draft study, email Ray Marhamati by August 19, 2011.

Wheaton/Edison Feasibility Study

William H. Farquhar Feasibility Study

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