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Board of Education to Meet on Thursday, December 12
The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet on Thursday, December 12, 2013, at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. The public portion of the meeting will be broadcast live on the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) website and on MCPS TV (Comcast Channel 34).
The agenda, with related materials attached, can be found on the Board of Education’s BoardDocs site.
Please note that this is a revised agenda from the December 10, 2013 meeting, which was postponed due to emergency weather conditions. Some of the items originally planned for the December 10 meeting will be placed on a future Board agenda. 1 p.m. 1.0 Opening of Meeting 1.1 Acknowledgment of a Quorum 1.2 Election of Officers 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance 1.4 Approval of the Agenda 1.5 National Inclusive Schools Week 1:15 p.m.: 2.0 Operating Budget 2.1 FY 2015 Operating Budget (Oral Presentation) 2:15 p.m.: 3.0 Closed Session Approval 3.1 Resolution for Today’s Closed Session 3:45 p.m.: 4.0 Public Comments 4.1 Public Comments 4:15 p.m.: 5.0 Human Resources and Development 5.1 Monthly Report 5.2 Appointments 4:20 p.m. 9.0 Consent Items 6.1 Contracts of $25,000 or More # 6.2 Contract Approval for Bid No. 4114.4, Classroom Furniture - Extension# 6.3 Contract Approval for Bid No. 4193.2, Life Insurance Plans - Extension# 6.4 Contract Approval for Bid No. 7055.14, Purchase of School Buses - Extension# 6.5 Contract Approval for Bid No. 7195.2, Computer Supplies - Extension# 6.6 Award of Contract - Clarksburg HS Addition# 6.7 Award of Contract - North Chevy Chase ES Addition# 6.8 Award of Contract - Rosemary Hills ES Addition 6.9 Change Order Over $100,000# 6.10 Bethesda ES - Forest Conservation Agreements# 6.11 Emory Grove Center - Washington Suburban Sanitation Commission Covenant Agreement# 4:25 p.m.: 7.0 Recommendation to Retain Investment Consultant 7.1 Recommendation to Retain Investment Consultant 4:35 p.m.: 8.0 Preliminary Plans 8.1 Wheaton Woods ES Revitalization/Expansion Project 4:50 p.m.: 9.0 Monthly Financial Report 9.1 Monthly Financial Report 5:05 p.m.: 10.0 Action Item 10.1 Approval of Pilot Courses 5:20 p.m.: 11.0 Board of Education Items 11.1 Future Closed Session Resolution 11.2 Report of Previous Closed Session 11.3 Calendar of Major Events for the Election of the 37th Student Member of the Board of Education 11.4 Appeals 11.9 New Business 5:25 p.m.: 12.0 Appointments to Board Committees 12.1 Fiscal Management Committee 12.2 Strategic Planning Committee 12.3 Policy Management Committee 12.4 Special Populations Committee 5:30 p.m.: 13.0 Adjournment # student vote does not count. Four votes needed for adoption. * times listed are intended for guidance only; unless changed by the Board, the order in which items appear will be followed.
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