MCPS Class of 2014 Earns 70 National Merit Scholarship Awards

July 14, 2014
Fourteen Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students have received National Merit Scholarships in the latest round of awards sponsored by universities and colleges.

Earlier this year, it was announced that 56 MCPS students had been awarded National Merit Scholarships—seven students were awarded college-sponsored scholarships, 17 students won corporate-sponsored scholarships, seven students were awarded National Achievement Scholarships for scholastically talented African American students, and 25 students received National Merit $2,500 scholarships.

This final round of recipients brings the total number of 2014 National Merit Scholarship winners in MCPS to 70.

The latest winners and their high schools are:

Montgomery Blair High School
Jacob C. Ryder, Rochester Institute of Technology, information technology

Winston Churchill High School
Aditya D. Dash, University of Maryland, electrical engineering

Richard Montgomery High School
Alex H. Dang, University of Maryland, engineering
Sarah H. Eppley, University of Maryland, anthropology
Sara Tolnay, University of Maryland, engineering
Robert R. Liu, University of Maryland, medicine
Amy Y. Wu, Claremont McKenna College, applied mathematics
Katie L. Zeng, University of Maryland, law
Zuri Z. Zhao, University of Maryland, engineering

Poolesville High School
Justin S. Park, University of Maryland, computer engineering

Sherwood High School
Jacob M. Fishbein, University of Maryland, surgical medicine

Northwest High School
Mariya S. Shevchuk, University of Maryland, chemical engineering

Thomas S. Wootton High School
Uday Misra, University of Maryland, biology
Alice T. Zhou, University of Maryland, biochemistry

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