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Board Discusses Preliminary Plan Responding to Math Curriculum Audit and an Update on Student Enrollment
The Board of Education met yesterday [Tuesday, October 17] and, among other items, discussed plans for addressing issues identified in a recent audit of the mathematics curriculum and reviewed a report on enrollment. The Board also reviewed an update on shared accountability. The Board approved the observance of American Indian Heritage Month, National Transportation Safety Week in Montgomery County Public Schools, and voted to support a proposed state initiative and legislative item. The beginning of the 2000 Montgomery County Employees' Charity Campaign was announced.
Excellence in Mathematics: Staff Response to the Mathematics Curriculum Audit
The Board discussed an update from staff regarding the planning underway to address the findings and recommendations of a recent audit of the mathematics curriculum. The update focused on curriculum policies, curriculum, assessment, instructional materials and teaching guides, staff development, and program monitoring.
CIP/Enrollment Update
The Board reviewed an update on enrollment figures and their implications for school facility planning and construction. The report presented new enrollment data and demographic changes, including an increased birth rate, housing and employment changes, grade-level and school population shifts, and enrollment in special education, Head Start, and ESOL. The preliminary enrollment figure was set at 135,085 students.
Update on Shared Accountability
The Board received an update on the development of a System of Shared Accountability, including components to measure school performance, organizational unit performance, staff performance, and overall systemwide performance as the school system monitors student achievement and the factors related to continuous progress.
Salute to Transportation Personnel
Recognition of National School Bus Safety Week in Montgomery County Public Schools from October 15 through 21 was approved to honor "all transportation staff members bus operators, attendants, mechanics, clerks, secretaries, and supervisors for their teamwork in the safe transporting of students."
American Indian Heritage Month
The observance of American Indian Heritage Month was approved in recognition of the many contributions of the American Indian community "in decision-making, educational and outreach activities" that have enriched the county and the school system.
2000 Montgomery County Employees' Charity Campaign
The 2000 Montgomery County Employees' Charity Campaign was launched during a ceremony at the Board meeting. The campaign is scheduled for October 17 through November 17 as an opportunity for staff to demonstrate their "commitment to addressing the needs of the less fortunate in our community." Last year, school system employees donated $247,968 - an increase of six percent from the previous year.
Support of Proposed Legislation and State Initiative
The Board voted to support proposed legislation that would allow Montgomery County students to use portable phones on school property under certain conditions. The Board also voted to support an initiative proposed by the State Superintendent of Schools that would expand all-day kindergarten throughout the state. The Board recommended a phase-in process based on Title I criteria and study of the implications of all-day kindergarten on costs, facilities, class size, and availability of teachers.
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