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Event-Based Middle School Science Program Honored by U.S. Department of Education
The panel, composed of 14 experts in science from around the country, reviewed science programs in spring 2000 and identified two exemplary and seven promising science programs.
EBS is a supplemental program for students in grades 6-8 that offers modules in the life sciences and physical sciences. Videotaped television news coverage of real events establishes the relevance of science topics, and students work to find solutions to related problems. The program juxtaposes hands-on science activities with newspaper articles, interviews and science exposition. World Wide Web support for modules includes links to sites with specialized information and data, as well as to internal pages designed to provide teachers with ongoing help.
The project was first funded in 1992 by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is supported by grants from NSF and NASA, and published by Dale Seymore Publications. As the curriculum development division of the Event-Based Science Institute, Inc. in Rockville, the Event-Based Science Project conducts its work in collaboration with Montgomery County Public Schools, USA Today and NBC News.
Reviewers found that EBS provides a combination of relevant content, good pedagogy and appropriate assessment that matches the vision promoted in the national standards. They found the program's learning goals to be challenging, appropriate and clearly stated in both the teacher and student editions. They also found that the program presented evidence of statistically significant gains in student understanding of earth science concepts for EBS students in grades 6-8.
More information about EBS can be found on the website http://www. eventbasedscience. com or by contacting project director Russell Wright at 301-279-3339.
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