Law-related Education Conference to Focus on Civic Fitness among Youth

March 7, 2001
Montgomery County Chief of Police Charles Moose and State's Attorney Doug Gansler will share their insights about effective community partnerships for building safer communities through our youth at the Community, Law and Schools Summit at Montgomery Blair High School on Thursday, March 15, from 3:30 until 7:00 p.m.

Educators, police officers, attorneys, and service learning organizations are invited to attend this second annual law-related education conference sponsored by Montgomery County Public Schools in collaboration with Street Law, Inc.

The mission of this year's conference is to showcase proven teaching techniques and programs that promote civic fitness among youth.

Chief Moose will open the conference by sharing his vision for the students and communities of Montgomery County. Participants will attend two break-out sessions to explore ways to create new partnerships among schools, law enforcement, the legal community, and service organizations. Mr. Gansler and several community prosecutors will facilitate the closing session of the conference.

For more information, contact Maria Conway, Teacher in Residence with Street Law, at 301-279-3358.

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