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Board of Education Meeting Agenda
9:00 a.m. Closed Session
10:00 a.m. 1.0 Roll Call
1.1 Approval of the Agenda (A)
1.2 Arab American Heritage Month (A)
1.3 Items of Legislation (A)
1.4 Board/Superintendent Comments (D)
10:30 Public Comments
11:00 2.0 ESOL Funding Formula (D)
11:30 3.0 Update on the Montgomery County Business Roundtable (oral) (D)
12:00 Lunch and Closed Session
1:30 4.0 Consent Items
4.1.1 Procurement Contracts Over $25,000 (A)#
Facilities Management
4.2.1 Award of Contract - Bethesda-Chevy Chase HS (A)#
4.2.2 Award of Contract - Darnestown ES Reroofing (A)#
4.2.3 Award of Contracts -Americans with Disabilities Act Modifications
for Various Schools (A)#
4.2.4 Award of Contract - Custom Energy for Phase II Proposal "Energy
Conservation Lighting Retrofit Contract at Selected
MCPS Facilities" (A)#
4.2.5 Limited License Agreement at Jones Lane ES (A)#
4.2.6 Consultant Appointment - Constructibility Analysis (A)#
4.2.7 Architectural Appointment - Americans with Disabilities
Act Modifications (A)
4.2.8 Architectural Appointments - Relocatable Classrooms (A)
4.2.9 Architectural Appointment -- Kensington Parkwood ES (A)
4.2.10 Architectural Appointment - Former Belt JHS Reopening (A)
4.2.11 Architectural Appointment - Parkland MS Feasibility Study (A)
4.2.12 Acceptance of James Hubert Blake HS (A)
4.2.13 Acceptance of Herbert Hoover MS (A)
4.3.1 Utilization of FY 2001 Future Supported Project Funds (A)#
1:35 5.0 Human Resources
5.1 Monthly Report (A)
5.2 Appointment (A)
1:40 6.0 Monthly Financial Report (D)
1:45 7.0 Preliminary Plans for the Walt Whitman HS Addition (A)
2:00 8.0 Change Order Policy (D/A)#
2:15 9.0 Update on Indoor Air Quality Program (D)
2:30 10.0 Update on Recycling Efforts (D)
2:45 11.0 Summer School, GED, and Adult Education Fees (A)
3:00 12.0 Maryland State Board of Education Resolution Regarding the
Rehiring of Retired Teachers (D/A)
3:15 13.0 Follow-up Amendments to the Requested FY 2002 Capital Budget
and FY 2001-2006 CIP (D/A)#
4:30 14.0 Scope of the Einstein MS #2 Boundary Study (D/A)#
4:45 15.0 Naming of Northwest Elementary School #6 (A)
4:50 16.0 Board of Education Items
16.1 Closed Session Resolution (A)
16.2 Report of Closed Session (I)
16.3 Minutes (January 23, January 30, and February 1, 2001) (A)
16.4 Appeal (A)
16.5 Previous New Business Items (A)
16.5.1 Pilot Incentive Program to Promote Mastery of Knowledge (A)
16.5.2 Operating Budget Adoption Process (A)
16.6 New Business
5:10 17.0 Items of Information (I)
17.1 Items in Process
17.2 Legal Fees Report
17.3 Construction Progress Report
5:15 Adjournment (A)
# student vote does not count. Four votes needed for adoption.
* times listed are intended for guidance only; unless changed by the Board, the order in which items appear will be followed.
Future Board of Education Meetings
Thursday, March 15, 7:30 p.m., Cluster Meeting (Churchill)
Monday, March 19, 6:00 p.m., Dinner Meeting with MCAASP Board
Monday, March 19, 7:30 p.m., Meeting with MCR/MCJC/SGA Presidents - Auditorium
Tuesday, April 3, 10:00 a.m., All-day Business Meeting
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