Board of Education to Review Newly Prepared Curriculum Framework for Pre-K to Grade 8 Math, Science, Social Studies and English

June 30, 2001
The Board of Education will review recommendations on Monday, July 2, to approve a newly developed curriculum framework for mathematics, science, social studies and English/language arts that will outline what students are expected to know and be ready to do at each grade level from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8. The meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.

The proposed framework, developed over the past several months and involving extensive involvement with teachers, principals, parents, and community representatives, responds to a request by the Board of Education for greater specificity and consistency in the design and implementation of curriculum in the Montgomery County Public Schools.

The Board approved its policy on curriculum in February to guide the development, implementation, and monitoring of curriculum throughout the school system. The proposed curriculum framework is the first step in an ongoing curriculum revision process and establishes the foundation for alignment of the written, taught, and assessed curriculum.

The proposed framework sets precise expectations for student learning and will enable principals, teachers, students, and parents to understand what is taught and what students are expected to know and be able to do at each grade level and in each course. The framework provides objectives derived from local, state, national, and international standards.

The report to the Board of Education from Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools, outlining the recommendations and the full curriculum framework are to be posted on the MCPS website this weekend.

See link below to the Curriculum Development Webpage:

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